Admonished in public by others leaders from Europe, French President act like a spoiled child that saw leaving of his hands one “little toy” that tried stole of a friend in a playground
Trad.: Vanessa Carter
Publicado no em 26/08/2019 – link AQUI
amazing, but it’s true The Little French’s beast, disguised of President of
European’s Islamic Republic, feels the true punch gave by Bolsonaro and whenever bestow that are insane maniac of
greatness of who can’t open his mouth without ask permission for Merkel.
France’s history is the history of robberies and the Colonialist Exploration in
many countries, and was obligated to abandoned them — leave in heritage The
For where
France through, rest misery, diseases and poverty. The Map of Ex-Colonies shows
of where France brought luxury to pay their fanfare:
(March,2 of 1956)
Tunísia (March,20 of 1956)
Guiné (October,2 of 1958)
Camarões (January,1 1960)
Togo (April,27 of 1960)
Senegal (June,20 of 1960)
Madagáscar (June,26 of 1960)
Benin (August,1 of 1960)
Níger (August,3 of 1960)
Burkina Faso (August,5 of 1960)
Costa do Marfim (August,7 of 1960)
Chade (August,11 of 1960)
Congo ( August,15 of 1960)
Gabão (August,17 of 1960)
Mali (September,22 of 1960)
Mauritânia (November,28 of 1960)
Argélia (July,5 of 1962)
Comores (July,6 of 1975)
Djibouti (June,27 of 1977)
The France there isn’t of what in keep there proud if their past, neither of their present and nobody gamble a miserable dime in their survival in the future, like a colonialist Estate that always lived of pillage of natural wealth of many people, of many countries, of many nations. In the events from rotten past that marc the nefarious France’s history, to be appropriate always remember of one episode happens in 1963 — when France wanted fish lobster at their convenience in Brazilian’s waters and better with the President Joao Goulart that down his pants and authorized, was forced by public opinion to backtrack what it means The France’s History is resume to stole, foray and destroy.

For wants to know more about it, the link are HERE
And was
exactly this that she wants to do in Amazon.
The Manoel
himself confess this clearly in a article published in
“Associations, NGOs and certain international juridical that brings the
question of knowledge if was possible define a International Amazon’s
And say
that existed Brazilians that don’t believe in that, the truly interest of
Globalists are in detain the Amazon’s ownership — where concentrate the
biggest marketable of principals and so much upsite minerals of the world. What
brings people to live in this blindness ahead of reality?
The French
and Europeans NEVER care or has any compromise that wasn’t stole others
people’s riches, first below the absurd argument of they are leaving
civilization to people that living in the barbaric world and, now, below the
slurred argument that need to protect
humankind’s heritage.
it’s sickening to notice that existed Brazilians that A-DO-RE living with back
to Brazil and their knees for the Europeans.
How if the
colonialist view of the past don’t keeping to be a strategic and philosophy of
the appropriation of that don’t belong to them. That care with the foulness of
these countries of morale’s mud that circle their interpersonal relations and
learning that Brazil leave to be commanded by a robbery’s mafia — many of them put in the jails and some still
free it’s by lenient’s country Judiciary that is permissible and compliance.
If someone
wants has an idea of contempt of France’s people with their colonies, to be
sufficient make a visit of French Guiana where’s thanks the prostitutes, misery
and Drug dealers.All open wide-open and with convenience of one structure and
obvious that Mainstream media keeps give ear to Manoel, because the problem in
our mainstream media are in mismatch with Brasilian’s people yearning. Meanwhile
the called “MSM” to accustomed with the convenience, Brazil was
rediscovered the way of their Re-Independence. The muddled relation if media
and Journalists with public money helps
to understand the reason why so much anger against the President, until because
Bolsonaro expose, without mercy, how many some of his iron like critical about
his government “wining” of public funds below the signature of
In the
absence to say, revive until one bold-faced like Marina Silva ,mixed of
imbecile and “saint” ,that has a life sponsored who knows how —
hence she that authorized the running of miners in the Amazon’s region and for
that receive, like a pampering, a prize…
About the
French: Manoel, The Micron, goes still keeping act like a spoiled kid —
because it’s all that rest. The Amazon it’s not for your beak…
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